Been a while since I read them but yeah sure Nice Los Angeles Dodgers 17 Free Joe Kelly Shirt they did bad things but they always justified them. Like the stealing of trillions of credits with the skimming virus. I suppose that’s kind of your point, but I didn’t remember feeling the dissonance when I read them.I second the Republic commando novels wholeheartedly!! I read them every year or so, love how much they expand the Mandalorian mythos. Sadly though, only 5 of the 6 planned books actually were printed. The last one never made it because of some stupid reason or another, but The writer Karen Traviss came out with a summary of what would have happened.
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I really hope that most of the elements of the book Nice Los Angeles Dodgers 17 Free Joe Kelly Shirt get canonized. I think they will, especially considering that James Luceno referenced it a ton in Tarkin, thus making at least some elements of its canon – hopefully he will continue to do so in his future novels. I’m only a few chapters in but loving it so far! I feel like it weirdly really works in context with Rising of Skywalker. It’s just interesting to see how he operates in the empire while not using the same rulebook, then how the ending leads into his introduction to rebels is just amazing
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