It’s shocking to think how much economic Jesus And I Are Having A Moment I Will Deal With You Later Shirt activity had to decline just to equate to three weeks, and still be unsustainable. And that isn’t even taking into account that most climate models DO NOT take into account potential feedback loops that we are not really sure of. eg.GHG emissions from permafrost thawing, the potential for ocean currents to potentially change (which would have massive consequences on global climate itself), the climate impacts of wars that might break out, etc. As well as already occurring. There’s a read on the Arab uprising and global climate change warming temps/food shortages etc to cause instability that I’ll lookup.
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Of course, war generally is a HUGE source of Jesus And I Are Having A Moment I Will Deal With You Later Shirt GHG emissions (you think those fleets of aircraft and tanks are environmentally friendly to manufacture or operate?). But climate change has real potential to escalate tensions between some of the nuclear-armed powers of the world. I am curious what number of humans this planet can really sustain – I mean, living comfortable lives. Human wants are what will lead to our fucking downfall as a species. We want to always have the newest gadgets. Most models do take it into account though. It’s not like climate researchers just sit there ignoring their own research.
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