Coming from someone who was groomed to Good The Rolling Stones Band Music Wear Pajama Santa Christmas Tree Gift Signatures Shirt give “consent”. When underage and had to grapple with that for years afterward. It doesn’t make it better. Children cannot give meaningful consent. They couldn’t give consent. Because they were below the age of consent. If you think abusers can’t groom their victims to give “consent. Then you are underestimating how horrible they can be. That’s why the age of consent laws matter. Coming from someone who was groomed to give “consent” when underage and had to grapple with that for years afterward. It doesn’t make it better. Children cannot give meaningful consent.
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That’s just how writing tends to Good The Rolling Stones Band Music Wear Pajama Santa Christmas Tree Gift Signatures Shirts work, where you start with a summary or a synopsis, and then you provide more information to support it. That’s similar to the inverse pyramid used by journalists. The gold standard of writing is that readers can stop at any point and get as much information as they wish and move on to something else if they feel it’s not relevant to them. Then came web journalists whose sole purpose is to keep you on-site as long as possible with as many clicks and scrolls to maximize ad exposure. And the really horrible thing, paradoxically, is that in many cases this is exactly how they convince themselves that it’s not horrible.
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