Let’s not pretend they would have rerouted Elephant Bitte Nicht Storen Ich Bin Schon Gestort Genug Shirt those funds to social programs, education, or infrastructure rather than giving tax breaks to mega-corporations and campaign donors. These are aggregated results. So for every health outcome better than an Albanian health outcome, there is another one worse. Likewise for every US child getter an education better than a Mongolian child, there is one getting a worse education. I mean no disrespect to those countries, just trying to highlight that the US with its wealth really should be doing better. You’re thinking of just the immediate implications of a reroute.
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Who knows where that money would go. I doubt Elephant Bitte Nicht Storen Ich Bin Schon Gestort Genug Shirt it’d all just dissolve away but if you want to make that argument that’s fine. The Social Progress Index finds that Americans have health statistics similar to those of people in Chile, Jordan, and Albania, while kids in the United States get an education roughly on par with what children get in Uzbekistan and Mongolia. If we could just think long-term for once in our lives please, it’s still imperative that we dismantle the incentives to have an ever-lasting, ever-growing war machine. And yes, over time, I do think it’d lead to increased prosperity both here, and internationally. I shudder to think of the tens of millions of displaced people, and the millions dead.
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