Tell me about it. I picked up a stray cat I thought was a kitten, cause she was very small. She ended up being older than we thought, but we only found out when she turned up with litter when Nice Scarlett O’hara Sir You Are No Gentleman Shirt we took her to the vet to get neutered… Luckily they all made it, and now that tiny momma cat is fat and happy, all of fourteen years old. A friend who fosters rescues has a pregnant cat that’s fifteen weeks old right now. She’s going in for a combo spay/abortion on Monday. I picked him up and holy shit it was like trying to wrestle a cougar.
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He was absolutely panicked and stressed out growling and spitting at everything. I tried talking to him but I couldn’t tell it was me yet. I have torn the fuck up after that. Luckily he recognized the smell Nice Scarlett O’hara Sir You Are No Gentleman Shirt of my blood and eventually calmed down, but fuck was I messed up. They‘re also in tune with their owner’s emotions. My cats aren’t particularly cuddly and usually spend their evenings in a different room, but in the evening we got the news that my grandma had died they spent the entire evening on the sofa with me and my parents.
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