Our homeless crisis is gonna get a lot worse Official No More Malarkey Biden Harris 20 Shirt with this pandemic. Could be fixed with an actual stimulus bill but Trump and friends don’t care… actually they’re set up to profit off the hardship of others. In King County, Washington, where Seattle is, they spend around $100,000 per year per homeless person. The median household income in King County is $68,000. Think about that. People are paying taxes so that the government can spend way more on a homeless person than the average taxpayer is earning and all the city and county get is sustained reductions in quality of life on nearly all fronts.
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There’s no one size fits all for houseless people Official No More Malarkey Biden Harris 20 Shirt but it’s been clear that many people are moving here from other areas of the country (temperate climate, laws making it easier to live on the street, easier to obtain hard drugs, services provided to them more readily). It is a drug and mental health problem. Of course, because it was the ass hats like Carlson who convinced the kids that there was some need for the kid to take his gun to protect his team from a danger that doesn’t exist. Their story requires that danger to exist so they have to praise the kid for seeing the phantom danger.
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