Also, I know that it’s not a one-for-one matchup Cow Get In Loser We’re Going Stabbing People Vintage Shirt but an index. Some kids are getting an amazing education in the US, there must be kids getting terrible outcomes. Yeah, this study isn’t a personal attack on the US’s inability to be successful. We CAN be successful and in some aspects we are. But our problem is that we’re not a successful country for all of our citizens, and the number of citizens left behind in our wealthy country is a little ridiculous. It should be much better. Yeah, and the other question I have is what “counts” in those countries. For example, in many countries, “education” means urban education, and rural children just plain aren’t counted.
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Also, I know that it’s not a one-for-one matchup Cow Get In Loser We’re Going Stabbing People Vintage Shirt but an index. Some kids are getting an amazing education in the US, there must be kids getting terrible outcomes. Same here. I worked in high school and college in order to have no debt out of college. Lived at home for 5 years with my parents. Living in the Bay Area and I’m not even close to affording a house. Yeah; no shit. I’m working a fulltime job and can barely pay rent. My father could have supported an entire household with the exact same job. Or, some children with parents who are wealthy enough get amazing education, while the masses get a bad education. Comparisons are hard. I’d like to look at their data set.
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