A few years ago my gas oven stopped heating. Found Nice Jack Skellington Pink Floyd Shirt the service manual, did a bit of diagnosis, and ordered a replacement part for $15. Installed it and good as new, it was super easy and you can likely do it too if you own even just basic tools. And it probably is still there today working just fine. Planned obsolescence has ruined consumer goods in the United States. A brand new range purchased in 2020 will likely die before that 1952 model. Reminds me of the stove I had in one of my first apartments. We put it on the hottest setting and it barely would warm a pot of water.
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You just see the ones that survived. There were Nice Jack Skellington Pink Floyd Shirt a million just like it that bit the dust too early. You need to look at how many last instead of looking at how long one lasted. I’m sure there’s a 1971 Ford Pinto still kicking around but that doesn’t mean they were great cars. Not so bad on the range, where that’s normal, but annoying as all get out when you’re trying to use the oven. Grandma who’s used the appliance for 40 years is fine, but living in an apartment for a year or two and trying to learn all its quirks and idiosyncrasies is super annoying.
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