I wish I had this at school. I used to have 6 lessons Rick Sanchez I Suck At Apologies So Unfuck You Or Whatever Shirt a day giving me homework. I’d have a whole rota to fit it all in and would leave me working until 6-7 pm when I’d have dinner. So really I’d have no time to myself. Anyone else disagrees? I get her point about the might have to look after siblings but only they should be exempt from work or have reduced homework. Homework is important to help master it, if they aren’t doing it right, then that’s when you pick it up. In school you move onto a new topic basically each lesson you have no consolidation in class or anything so I don’t how it can’t be picked up.
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Also, have to consider the kids who don’t cheat, know Rick Sanchez I Suck At Apologies So Unfuck You Or Whatever Shirt how to do it, and want to master it. Having homework, doing sports, playing an instrument at school was tough but it taught so many life skills about time management, knowing where to put my effort, the idea of sacrifice to achieve something. Welcome to the world. It’s called multi-tasking. Look at where we rank in the world in terms of reading, math, and science. American students are already lazy and underperforming. You can make the argument against homework for homework’s sake but gimme a break.
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